angus tv+

"Watched anything good lately?"
Keep track of what you've streamed, where you streamed it, and see what other people are streaming. Made specifically for Canadians 'cause our streaming services are ... different.
It's free!
What It Does
Do you like organizing? Do you miss your DVD shelf? Do you think your taste is good enough to share?
- Track What You Watch — Add ratings, streaming service, and a quick review so you can filter them later. Then share your page. (If you want to.)
- See What Streaming Services Are Worth Keeping — We'll tell you which services you're getting the most value from. Maybe it'd be cheaper to just rent everything? Coming Soon
- Find New Things To Watch — Use other peoples' pages to find those with similar taste. Then filter by the streaming services you have. Coming Soon
What It Does Not Do
- Use AI — No machine generated recommendations. Find actual people who like what you like so you can like what they like.
- Let you watch stuff directly. — No play buttons. You'll have to go to the streaming service for that.
- Watch you while you sleep while menacingly eating watermelon. — It prefers rock melon anyway.